Accessible Region  - Baranya County (Hungary)

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partner Round World Association (Pécs)  
date 2001. September


In the frame of thi poject the association would like to promote public alert and real steps toward accessibility in their region. The RAMPA provides accessibility check list and short know-how courses for the participants, who are disabled surveyors themselves. This means possibility to work for several dozens of unemployed disabled persons in the region.




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partner Workshopron Group Association
University of Sopron Institute of Applyed Arts
date 19-23. April 2002


This year the 4th studio week was organised for young artists working on equal chance projects.
Architects, product designers and students from several universities worked on their project with the guidance of professionals.

The RAMPA organised lectures on accessibility and assistive devices.
The participants were extremely motivated by the photos and ideas, so the presentation turned into a longlastig discussion.
The different groups worked on different projects like computer games for all, accessible train, ...


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The RAMPA joins events around accessibility and equal opportunities, where our activists help as interpreters, assitants and lecturers.




Sept. 2001.

Ministry os Youth and Sport Affairs (ISM)

Conference on accessibility

28. Feb.  2002.

BUTE (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) Industrial Days, topic: qualiy of life

3-5. May 2002.

De JuRe Foundation (Disability Right Advocates) IV. Our World is Shared conference





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partner owner of the building: Lakitelek Folk College Foundation
accessibility expert:
Bendegúz Nagy
date Jan-Mars 2002.


The RAMPA was a coordinator of working out the documentation for a competition where financing of accessibility adaptations are available. The RAMPA organised the work and contacts with the designer, authorities, grant holder and the building owners. The concept was to make the "service house" accessible, that means providing rooms, seats in the resturant  for over 30 wheelchair users at once and a loop system in the dinig room for hard of hearing persons.
The documantation was accepted and won the maximal possible amount of finance (10MFt).


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Ministry of Youth and Sport Affairs, and the Regional Youth Council


a local secondary school, primary school, special school and a kindergarten


The aim is to provide organised program where students with and wihout disability in each age group can meet and have a positive impression. This is to avoid pre-justice and intolerance in the growing generations towards people living with disabilities. A main stage of the project is to involve the children and the teachers in finding the form and the frames of these occasions.


In this part special teachers and conductors (graduated in the Pethő Institute) visit groups in the kindergarten. They are together with children who can not go to any kindergarten because some developmental disorder, they play and sing folk songs, that help the development of physical skills, speech and mental condition. The teachers working in the group are present, they study the methods, they can consult and so they learn how to identify any developmental disorder on an early stage.
The children with disabilities are followed by family members who also participate in the program.

The professionals involved in the project:
Judit Balog and Helga special teachers,
Boglárka Pallós and Mónika Molnár conductors

primary school

This project is in a preliminary stage trying to find the best way to establish the program. The idea which is most likely to pick is to organise a handcraft workshop together with the School for Children with Special Needs.

secondary school


In the secondary school the RAMPA organises presentations and discussions led by university students who become disabled due to an accident or illness but studied earlier in this secondary school.
Our aim is to help the children to the experience that disabled persons are able to live a full life, do high quality work and make carrier. These talks provide a chance to think about real values in life. The programs were advertised on the message boards in the school with illustrations and some thoughts in order to make everyone think for a while who meets them.
The programs we have done were very popular in the school. As there is an excellent student-teacher cooperation, all students and teachers have heard about the program and all who were interested were present.

The invited guests:
Bendegúz Nagy rehabilitation engineer, student of architecture (wheelchair user)
Katalin Memhölczer  special teacher (blind)
László Joszt  special teacher (blind)
Károly Kurcsics, Ottó Katona sportmen (physically disabled persons)
György Mikesy Head of Association of Hungarian Deaf Persons, director of a special school (deaf)



for all

Date: 15-22 June 2003. (sponzored by the Ministry of Children Youth and Sport Affairs)
Place: Gara, "Inclusion House" at the Calvinist Church

An integrative summer camp for blind, mentally retarded children (aged 1,5-18 years) together with others from a secondary school at Baja. All of the activities (trips, bathing at a beach, visiting a farm, handcraft activities, Bible studies, folk music and dance, building music instruments) were organised for all participants, where everyone could be together.

cherami craftwork

Exploring a horse-van

I see Jesus with my hands!